Wednesday, March 15, 2017

When life is just lovely Week 38

Bonjour a tous! I hope you have all had a wonderful week!! Things are going so wonderful and time is just flying and I am loving it here so much. This week has been busy but full of miracles! This week on Tuesday we had MLC, which was really good and of course so fun to see everybody. We as a mission have new goals for this transfer to help people prepare to go to the temple. Which is bringing people to christ through baptism. It's always been hard for me to focus on numbers, but I know that as a mission as we try to help people come unto to Christ, because we love them, we will find the people who are ready. Our goal always for baptism is to always help people be ready to go to the temple, because that is the reason people get baptized so they can start the path that will lead them home to their Heavenly Father! As we set goals for our mission, we talked a lot about the faith we would need to show to have these goals accomplished. It's the faith of a little child, that is total and complete and completely relies on the lord. Faith in my head really means trust, and if we have faith in Heavenly Father we trust in him and know that his will is what must be done:)It was a great meeting and I really needed the spiritual boast. Then what was amazing this week is we have two new engages!! So we found a number on an old potential sheet and a man named Le answered. We ended up seeing him three times last week, and already its amazing to see his progression. He is lonely and very sad, and it was really incredible to testify to him that this gospel is what will bring him true happiness! The members have been really good friend shipping him in our lessons and in church, so I am so excited for him. Then Joy brought a friend to church last week, who we have started seeing and she is really awesome! She is from Nigeria like Joy and her name is Tiawo she is really sweet and humble, and really spiritual. She was excited when we engaged her to be baptized, and loves the Plan du Salut and livre du Mormon!! She is wonderful I love her and Joy so much! Another really amazing miracle was that during our ward conference this week, as they were talking about the Paris Temple open house, Jacqueline decided that she wanted to go! So she and Charles will be going (I'm just a little jealous I wish I could go so badly!) We have been trying to figure what has been blocking her from being baptized for so long now, and I really think that her going to the Temple will change everything!! It was a really awesome week, and thank you so much for all you do! 
Your love and support and prayers mean more than you know!
Je vous aime!!Soeur Soffe 

MLC (missionary leadership counsel) 

Joy and Tiawo!! 

District meeting 

                               Pedestrian Passerelle St Georges Lyon

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